Dear Skylark,
Thank you for playing host to our Stuffel shop last week. Thank you for the breakfast, lunch and oh-so-good cake that we didn't deserve but greatly enjoyed. Thank you for giving us space to spread our Stuffels for the children of Wandsworth to come and play.
We met some lovely mummies & daddies, enjoyed hanging with the friendly baristas and revelled in a day acting grown-up, away from the demands of our own pesky kids.
And we bid farewell to lots of our lovely Stuffels into new homes across South West London.
You rock, Team Skylark,

Dear Stuffelers,
If you're looking for a child-friendly, dog-friendly, people-friendly place to hunker down and hang out, and find yourself in leafy Wandsworth, we cannot recommend Skylark highly enough. It is slap-bang in the middle of the common, which is as gorgeous a green paradise as you're likely to find. Ponds, playgrounds, paths and parkland in which to while away some hours in the great outdoors.
We are big advocates of the benefits of fresh air, and OpenAir Fit (www.openairfit.com) run fun group & one-to-one sessions on the common for adults and kids alike. They have quite a following and are definitely worth a look.
We are even bigger advocates of retreating, post-exercise, to a happy space and scoffing well-earned delights, for which Skylark (www.skylarkcafe.co.uk) more-than suffices.
Happy feasting!