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It takes a village ... (August 2021)

Last weekend a couple of young Stuffelers headed to London to spend some time at a hub of the charity Little Village.

Earlier in the week, thousands of people fleeing the chaos unfolding in Afghanistan had arrived across the capital, many with young children in tow but only a handful of belongings.

The response across the UK has been immense, with a generous outpouring of donations to help settle the new arrivals.

Little Village called for reinforcements: urgent help was needed to sort, pack and distribute the truckloads of essential clothes and toiletries as quickly as possible.

Bank Holiday plans were put on hold as we went to help the team bundle up supplies: nappies, wet wipes & babygros for a single mother & infant at one hotel; sets of age-appropriate clothes - from pyjamas, shoes and coats for a family of five at another ... the list was endless, but the spirit of the Little Village volunteers undeterred.

It was the end of a month in which Stuffel have donated a portion of sales to Little Village, and it seemed fitting to go and help in person ... and humbling to see how hard everyone there works. We managed a mere 8 hours before our teens collapsed in a heap!

As any parents will know, raising a child is no mean feat - and requires extra help in all it's forms from financial to emotional. We all rely on hand-me downs, babysitting services, advice and shoulders to laugh and cry on as we navigate through the parenthood journey. It really does take a village to raise a child.

We love that Little Village offers young families in need crucial support when they need it most. And we were really happy to help. We've got your back, Little Village. Thank you for having the backs of so many others.

You can read and learn more about Little Village at


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